Minggu, 17 Desember 2017

what is word

What is word?

a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used to form in the sentences. For example ; run, eat, read, atc

type of sentences
1.      Simple Sentences
 contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. However, it contains only one independent clause. For example :
·         She read
·         He run
·         They play

2.      Compound Sentences
contains at least two independent clauses.  These two independent clauses can be combined one with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. for examples:
·         She completed her literature review, and she created her reference list..
·         They studied APA rules for many hours, but they realized there was still much to learn.
3.      Complex Sentences
contains at least independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. For example ;
·         Although she completed her literature review, she still needed to work on her methods section.
·         Because he organized his sources by theme, it was easier for his readers to follow.
·         They studied APA rules for many hours as they were so interesting.
4.      Compound-Complex Sentences
Sentence types can also be combined. A compound-complex sentence contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. For example
·          completed her literature review, but she still needs to work on her methods section even though she finished her methods course last semester

punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in the sentences. One of punctuation. For example
·         Comma ,
·         Slash ,
·         Angle brackets < >
·         Semi colon ;
·         Question mark ?
·         Period .
·         Colon :
·         Exclamation point !

 what is paragraph?
Paragraph is a distinct section of piece of writing, and kind of writing have purpose and idea,  usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by new line, indentation or numbering. For example ;
Football or soccer, which is considered to be the most popular sport in the world, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players using a spherical ball.
The object of the game, which is played on a wide rectangular field with a goal on each end of the field, is to score by putting the ball into the adversary goal. The goal is kept by a goalkeeper who is allowed, at the exception of other players, to use his / her hands in the game. The winners are those who score the most goals. If the football match ends in a draw the two teams may be redirected to play extra time and / or penalty shootouts.

syllabus writing for general communication


Adresss:  J MAyrh Kelurahan Air Kuti Tel. (0733) 451432 Lubulk Linggau


Course             : Writing for General Communication
Code               : KIGI17
Credit hours    : 3 (Three)
Semester          : one
Academic year : 2015/2016
Lecturer           : Dewi Syafitri, M.Pd

A. Course Deseription
This course is designed to provide students are able to communicate by writimg in
English and particulary their application s in their activities or in their life as well as development of various form of language competence in writing that may be employed for number of general communiation ous as of language competence in writing that may be employed.

B. Learning
end Objeetive of this course, the students are expected to have gained some understanding or knowledge of writing in English, to enhance their vocabulary and to be able to write in accepted Standard English with greater fluency.

C. course requirements
1.      Every student is required to attend all meetings.
2.       all students are encouraged to participe actively in small group or whole class discussion
3.       Card must be already placed on the table or collected before the lecturer enter the class.
4.      If you are late less than ten minutes, you may enter the class and submit your card minutes, you may follow the lesson but may not submit your card anymore and also may not distrub others.
5.       The students who attend the classes less than 80% are not allowed to join the finalsemester t-meaning that they fail in this cours
6.      All of the group should submit their papers before the class begins.
7.      When the class begins, everybody must swicth off her/mobile phone
8.      The students may not wear tight clothes, jeans and sandals.

D. Teaching and Learning Strategies
The teaching and learning activities are conducted in the form of
1.      Lectures followed by discussion
2.      Oral presentation by a student or a group of students + discussiones-questions.
3.      Exercise – questions for assigments
4.      Combination of those three

E. Course assignmen
·         Materials to be studied in each meeting must be read before the class begins
·         Materials that are going to be presented must summarized in piece of paper and in form of power point .
F. Scoring system
The final score will be calculated on based the basis of  ;
Attendance and active participation               : not more beyong tolerance (20%)
Presentation and assignment paper                 : 15%
Mid-semester test                                            : 30%
Final semester test                                           : 35%.

The scoring system is as follow  ;
A  80-100                                D  45-55
B  70-79                                  E <44
C  59-69
G. references
·         Boarman A. Cynthia and jia frydenberg. 2008. Writing to communicate. Paragraph and Essay. Third edition. USA. Longman eduction Inc.
·         Hadfielf, jill and charlesh adfield. 2008. Simple writing activities. London. Oxford University.


Activities / modes
Introduction to the syllabus

Lecture, question and answer
 - What is word?
- Type of sentences
- Puctuation
- What is paragraph?
Relevant sources
Presentation and discussion
Organization of paragraph
Relevant sources
Presentation and discussion
Characteristic a good paragraph
Relevant sources
Presentation and discussion
Written process
Relevant sources
From paragraph to essay
Relevant sources
Presentation, discussion and practice
The thesis statement
Relevant sources
Presentation and discussion
Mid semester test
Relevant sources
Written test
Introductory paragraph
Relevant sources
Presentation, discussion and practice
Concluding paragraph
Relevant sources
Presentation, discussion and practice
Body paragraph
Relevant sources
Discussion and practice
Relevant sources
Presentation, discussion and practice
Relevant sources
Presentation, discussion and practice
Comparison and contrast
Relevant sources
Presentation, discussion and practice
Discussing some common transsitional signals
Relevant sources
Presentation, discussion and practice

Final semester test
All presented materials
Written test

Comparison and Contrast

  You explain the similarities and the differences between two items. Comparison and contrast is very common pattern in mos...